cockroaches still live on

life is an accident
a singularity
as far as we know
we haven’t met any aliens
except for the colourful
that look and behave
kind of different
to some —

isn’t it true
that differences only appear
where you search for them?

                                isn’t hate just
                                the absence of love
                                and wasn’t hate
                                love prior
                                abandoned then?

humans have equal rights
but some are more equal
that isn’t only true since Orwell
Augustus was primus inter pares
the first among equals
it was intended as humble
as far as we know
but he fought for that
kind of title
and then fear influenced behaviour —

today we have influencer
who don’t influence
they sell their soul
and the souls of their deciples
they have influence
but use it for the worst —

isn’t it true
that humans always destroy dignity
where they see it?

                                the butterflies are easy to kill
                                but you can stomp onto the cockroaches
                                and they still live on —

is a Platonic idea
we live in an age of shadows
and are mostly
happy about it
without being happy.

        © Dominik Alexander / 2024
        © Ivana Tomášková (image)

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